About The Owner

Priscille - Elizabeth D.

Licensed Cosmetologist, Educator & founder of Protect Yo’ Strands 

It seems like this art dropped right into her lap! 

However, the seed has been planted years ago and through the efforts of consistency, research, mistakes and of course practice, Protect Yo’ Strands was birthed.

Not sure if it was giving French braids to the high school basketball team on game days or being the homegirl on the 5th floor dorm, always ready to freshen up her homeboys braids. Either or, these moments were the gateway to opportunities unimagined and a brand unmatched. 

What started as a skill, turned hobby, adding some passion, later became a gift turned lifestyle. 

“What brings me the highest joy is knowing I can help shift how a person feels about themselves in the form of a hairstyle” - Priscille 

As time went on, to her,  it was more than just a hairstyle. Hair is an every day crown, one of the top features in how one presents themselves all while activating confidence internally. 

 Be healthy, Be creative, Be empowered, That's it!  Priscille wanted a brand that suits if not all, the majority. As an educator, she aspires to share knowledge on hair maintenance and having people reach their personal hair goals. In addition to providing essential information on product ingredients and styling techniques.  As an artist, she encourages people to step out of their comfort zone (while still being YOU) with the goal of feeling empowered, because well, CONFIDENCE is IN. 

Priscille’s entrepreneur journey has been admirable and divine. Originally from Massachusetts, she decided to live in the Big apple where she encountered  MANY moments of affirmation in doing hair. Where do we begin, She was the FIRST stylist hired at DhairProf salon in Brooklyn, NY which later served Justine SKyye and Hennessey Carolina. Unexpected connections made while in NYC played a leading role in what came next. Working at New York Fashion week, Feature in Teen vogue, collaborations with top Hair brands such as Mizani and styling the top NYC digital and content influencers. Graduating Cosmetology school was an important piece to enrich and solidify her journey.

“ I want to give everyone I style top tier service and knowledge for their betterment.” - Priscille 

Coupled with the love of traveling, She experienced being a travel stylist from state to state. Currently residing back in Mass where she continues to build the brand she falls more in love with what she is able to provide and considers all her clients celebrities. 

“Being raised on love and support, I’d want this business to reflect that. Giving time to those in need or providing what I can to serve a community is a portion of my hearts desire.”
- Priscille

If you have any events that could benefit from Protect Yo’ Strands services or have an organization collecting monetary or product donations, this business is more than happy to be in partnership with you. 

“I am most grateful for the space created for me to provide for you, most importantly the trust, loyalty, feedback and flexibility of clients because without you this wouldn’t exist.“